Tag Android

Launching Android Beta

We’re excited to announce that Memair has launched it’s Android Beta!

Tag App

Quantified Self & Biohacking in Media

Most quantified self / biohacking movies & TV shows are dystopian focusing on the possible harmful affects of life logging. We obviously believe that quantifying our selves will improve quality...

FOMO in my hometown

Memair lets you know where you’ve been, which is wonderful. But quantifying yourself also lets you know where you haven’t been. After asking Memair “Where have I been this year”...

Otto explains Memair

Introducing Otto to explain the power of Quantified Self and Memair

Launching Android Beta

We’re excited to announce that Memair has launched it’s Android Beta!

Tag Otto

Quantified Self & Biohacking in Media

Most quantified self / biohacking movies & TV shows are dystopian focusing on the possible harmful affects of life logging. We obviously believe that quantifying our selves will improve quality...

FOMO in my hometown

Memair lets you know where you’ve been, which is wonderful. But quantifying yourself also lets you know where you haven’t been. After asking Memair “Where have I been this year”...

Otto explains Memair

Introducing Otto to explain the power of Quantified Self and Memair

Tag Quantified Self

Memair DNS

“Deep work” refers to large periods of time without distractions from things like social media and email. The term was coined by Cal Newport and he wrote a book on...

Kid Friendly Video Recommender

Memair is excited to introduce our Kid Friendly Video recommender. To try it out;

Better YouTube Recommendations

We’re making better YouTube recommendations. Our first video recommender is designed for people with Autism, limiting their exposure to inappropriate content. We decided to service the Autism community first as...

Introducing Create & Bulk Create GraphQL endpoints

Memair has introduced two new GraphQL mutations for importing data.

Quantified Self & Biohacking in Media

Most quantified self / biohacking movies & TV shows are dystopian focusing on the possible harmful affects of life logging. We obviously believe that quantifying our selves will improve quality...

FOMO in my hometown

Memair lets you know where you’ve been, which is wonderful. But quantifying yourself also lets you know where you haven’t been. After asking Memair “Where have I been this year”...

Otto explains Memair

Introducing Otto to explain the power of Quantified Self and Memair

Tag video

Better YouTube Recommendations

We’re making better YouTube recommendations. Our first video recommender is designed for people with Autism, limiting their exposure to inappropriate content. We decided to service the Autism community first as...

Otto explains Memair

Introducing Otto to explain the power of Quantified Self and Memair

Tag GraphQL

Introducing Create & Bulk Create GraphQL endpoints

Memair has introduced two new GraphQL mutations for importing data.

Tag Recommendation Engine

Kid Friendly Video Recommender

Memair is excited to introduce our Kid Friendly Video recommender. To try it out;

Better YouTube Recommendations

We’re making better YouTube recommendations. Our first video recommender is designed for people with Autism, limiting their exposure to inappropriate content. We decided to service the Autism community first as...

Tag Children

Kid Friendly Video Recommender

Memair is excited to introduce our Kid Friendly Video recommender. To try it out;

Tag Experiments

Memair DNS

“Deep work” refers to large periods of time without distractions from things like social media and email. The term was coined by Cal Newport and he wrote a book on...

Tag Video

Introducing Keyboard Shortcuts

Memair Player now respects keyboard shortcuts. No more useless half page scroll when you try to pause a video.

Tag travel

International Travel Log

One of the requirements of the Canadian Citizenship application is a list of international travel for the last 5 years. Compiling that list manually is no easy task for frequent...

Tag quantified self


Presets is a new feature that makes it easy to manually collect data. Presets are written in GraphQL and can accept variables. Explore Memair’s GraphQL API with GraphiQL.

International Travel Log

One of the requirements of the Canadian Citizenship application is a list of international travel for the last 5 years. Compiling that list manually is no easy task for frequent...

Tag features


Presets is a new feature that makes it easy to manually collect data. Presets are written in GraphQL and can accept variables. Explore Memair’s GraphQL API with GraphiQL.